Full-Day. Half-Day. Weekend Events.
These immersive full-day, half-day and weekend seminars have been produced for camera clubs and conferences. Select from my programs below, or have a seminar customized specifically for your group. Seminars can include indoor instruction combined with photography field sessions. For pricing and to arrange logistics, please contact me.
Creative Landscapes:
Field Craft and Post-Processing

In this full- or half-day live seminar, we’ll cover some of my favorite field craft and processing techniques for creating artistic landscape images. Our time will be divided between multimedia presentations and hands-on processing sessions, with the emphasis on the processing.
The presentations will cover topics including:
· the art of seeing creatively
· attaining critical focus
· possibilities presented by various weather and lighting conditions
· composing for feel
· fine tuning compositions
· creating visual flow, compositional balance and dynamic tension
· recognizing opportunities specific to various environments
· photographing trees and forests, water, and from on high
· long exposures and abstract techniques for expressionistic imagery
· shooting and blending multiple exposures for exposure and depth of field
In the processing sessions, you’ll follow along on your computer using example images I’ll provide, as I demonstrate state-of-the-art processing workflows step-by-step.
I plan to cover:
· expressing your vision from capture through processing
· processing for feel, mood and atmosphere
· image softening techniques
· global adjustments in Lightroom
· white balance, contrast and color refinements, highlight and shadow control
· noise reduction and pre-sharpening
· making selections in Lightroom and Photoshop
· local adjustments using Lightroom’s masking tools
· depth of field adjustments using Lightroom’s new Lens Blur tool
· spot removal, and the new Remove Tool in Photoshop
· layer masking in Photoshop – globally and locally
· selective dodging and burning in Lightroom and Photoshop
· black-and-white conversion in Lightroom and Photoshop
· image and exposure blending using Photoshop’s blend modes
The seminar is tailored to all skill levels — from beginner to advanced. A working knowledge of Lightroom, Photoshop or other RAW processing software will be helpful. Please bring a computer loaded with your image processing software.
You’ll come away from the event with the ability to look at the possibilities of landscapes afresh, with a wide range of tips and techniques for capturing them, and a well-rounded set of state-of-the-art processing techniques to elevate your imagery to new artistic levels.
We’ll break about halfway through the program for refreshments and rejuvenation.
After the event, you’ll receive step-by-step notes on the processing techniques, so you can apply them to your own images.
It’s a power-packed seminar. Fun. Educational. Inspiring. With information you can put to use immediately.
Dawn to Deep Night:
Crafting Special Landscape Images

In this power-packed seminar, I explore photographic opportunities throughout the day — from the brilliant orange-golds of sunrise to hidden mid-day gems, to the theatrical colors of sunset, the luminous blues of twilight and the otherworldly light of midnight. I cover the latest digital technologies that allow photographers to push the bounds of what can be captured with a camera. Good field craft and attention to detail remain paramount to creating compelling images, but we also have the unprecedented ability to expand exposure latitude, depth of field and resolution into a single image for maximum impact. In this thought-provoking seminar I illustrate the strategies, tips and innovative techniques I use for taking landscape imagery beyond the commonplace to the extraordinary.
The Light of Midnight:
Photographing the Landscape at Night

In this comprehensive seminar, I cover the latest strategies, tips and techniques for photographing a variety of landscapes and cityscapes in relation to the night sky. I discuss many ways to photograph the stars, moon, Milky Way, planets, meteors, northern lights and other celestial phenomena. And I illustrate the field and digital darkroom techniques I use to produce stellar night images. We'll cover camera settings, determining exposure, how to focus in the dark, reducing noise, blending multiple exposures, shooting time-lapse sequences and creating time-lapse movies. It’s a full day of exceptional night imagery.
Customized Seminars

Seminars can also be customized by selecting several wide-ranging topics from my current list of presentations. I also welcome other topics of special interest to your group, such as improving field craft, refining compositions, or processing techniques in Lightroom and Photoshop CC — whatever might best benefit your group.